Life - What a gift!

You can co-create your reality with those around you.

But does your life feel stuck?

If yes, are you seriously willing to change?

I can read your energy field. Like reading a book.

Your energy field always speaks the Truth.

Working together, can we discover and implement an upgraded version of your life?

If your answers above are 'yes', then I welcome you to my website.

And I hope you will explore the pages here, to see if we are a good match.

Energetic Balance

Your emotions are a direct Soul communication. A compass to navigate Life.

So why avoid, deny and ignore them?

Were you taught to suppress your emotions?

To live a dysregulated, humdrum life.

A baby is born whole. Pure love.

So what happened?

My guess is your life is crammed with emotional traumas.

Painful moments of deep unresolved suffering, that 'hurt like hell'.

Human instinct is to avoid pain; so did you force it down, deep inside?

Creating a false reality of beliefs and behaviour to avoid going there, EVER again.

Emotions buried alive never die. They fester.

The enemy is not your emotions.

It is your perception of them, and that can be changed.

There are Truths in those traumas. Soul lessons to navigate you back to energetic balance.

Want to heal your hurts and place peace in the past?

Face it. You need to go back there.

Scared? Take heart. We can go together. I am fluent in the language of the Soul.

Holistic Therapies

Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is a gentle, effective vibrational sound therapy. The Biofield surrounds the physical body and holds information about your life experiences.

Vibrational blocks can show up in your life as:

  • chaotic patterns
  • repetitive behavioural traits
  • relationship issues
  • entrenched life situations
  • limiting beliefs
  • a sense of stuckness and stagnancy.

The story of your life can be harmonised. Raising your vibration. Creating the potential to live a new future.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy uses 'light touch' to harmonise the body. Specific hand positions work with different parts of the body, to restore balance.

Everyday life challenges, stress and tension have an effect on the body. Symptoms indicate we have reached a tipping point e.g:

  • pain
  • uncomfortable digestion
  • brain fog
  • sense of discontent

Craniosacral Therapy assists the body to relax, rebalance and energise.


Holistic Therapy

Animal Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, safe and effective. If your pet, or animal companion, has pain or discomfort Craniosacral Therapy will touch the source of their symptoms.

Has your animal experienced a traumatic or difficult life event? Biofield Tuning can help to harmonise those challenging moments, and the emotions and memories that remain with them.

Help your beloved pet to resolve stressful life events and find their way back to balance with Animal Holistic Therapy.

Get in touch

I am based in Bath. I work from Bath Healthcare Clinic, located in the Bear Flat area of Bath, BA2 2AA and Bath Natural Remedies - The Home of Neals Yard in Bath, BA1 5AR.

All ANIMAL sessions are performed REMOTELY.

I offer REMOTE Biofield Tuning and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for people too.

Remote sessions are via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. To find out more call me on 07588 658 721, or fill in the contact form opposite.

©2024 Justine Foster

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