Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning, developed by Eileen Day McKusick, is a simple, yet powerful, vibrational sound therapy.

The Biofield is a biomagnetic energy field that surrounds the physical body. It stores our emotional experiences. The energy in the Biofield is designed to move like a wave. The wave has a vibration.

When we experience emotions like joy, peace and appreciation, the energy wave vibration is coherent and we feel good. When we experience emotions such as fear, grief or frustration, the energy wave vibration becomes chaotic and we feel upset.

Our Biofield also stores a record of our life experiences, from birth to today; a record of all the emotional experiences we have been through. In traumatic situations, the energetic imprint of the event does not get resolved and we are reminded of the pain, over and over again.

Eileen Day McKusick found that the coherent vibration of a tuning fork placed in the Biofield causes that stuck energy to become ordered and consistent; shifting old emotional patterns and responses.

At the WOMAD 22 Music Festival,

I gave a Biofield Tuning session to the

Radio WOMAD presenter.

The live broadcast below, is our conversation before and after his Biofield Tuning experience!


During a Biofield Tuning Session....

During the Biofield Tuning session the client will be in a relaxed position, either lying or sitting. The client often comes to a Biofield Tuning session with a particular issue that they would like resolution on. My role as a Biofield Tuning practitioner, is to find the chaotic energy blocks in your Biofield that relate to that issue.

As I work through your Biofield, I will be able to give you details about past events and old emotions being stored in the energy blocks as the resonance of the tuning fork returns the wave to a coherent pattern.

During a Biofield Tuning session, some clients are very relaxed and quiet, others like to talk, some clients express and release deeply held emotional pain.

After the Biofield Tuning session, clients often feel peaceful and need a little time to return to their day. Because energy blockages have resolved clients can sometimes experience physical 'detox' symptoms. These 'detox' symptoms will only last a few days. Symptoms can include: fatigue, waves of emotion, headache, vivid dreams and a change in digestion. Detox symptoms resolve with rest, drinking plenty of water and being outside in nature as much as possible.

You can find my Biofield Tuning Practitioner listing at:

Biofield Tuning Charges

60 mins Biofield Tuning ~ £75

90 mins Biofield Tuning ~ £90

20% charge reduction for: under 18s, those on a low income & Biofield Tuning Trainees

Payment via cardreader, credit/debit card, Samsung/Apple Pay, PayPal, cash or BACS.

Cancellation Policy: 48 hours’ notice required to cancel an appointment; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed.

The Benefits of Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is not intended as primary healthcare but to work alongside the your doctor or healthcare provider


Biofield Tuning


the spine

organs of the body


areas of physical discomfort

energy centres


ancestral patterns


Biofield Tuning

Improved clarity

Greater focus

Improved stress management

Begin to realise your potential

Improved personal organisation


Biofield Tuning

For a more



with the ability to fully

feel and express

your beliefs and emotions.

Get in touch.....

I am based in Bath. I work from Bath Healthcare Clinic, located in the Bear Flat area of Bath, BA2 2AA and Bath Natural Remedies - The Home of Neals Yard in the centre of Bath, BA1 5AR.

Biofield Tuning and Craniosacral Therapy can also be performed remotely for people and animals via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime: to find out more about this or to enquire about bookings, call me on 07588 658 721.

You can also get in touch with me directly, using my secure and confidential online contact form.

Frequently asked questions

How many treatments will I need?

Everyone is different, the response to Biofield Tuning can be immediate or take longer than one appointment. Benefits can generally be seen after 4-5 sessions. Treatments can be paced according to how you respond to Biofield Tuning. Some clients require time for changes to the Biofield to integrate, others are less affected.

What are your fees and availability?

60 mins Biofield Tuning - £75

90 mins Biofield Tuning - £90

I offer a 20% charge reduction for:under 18s, those on a low income & Biofield Tuning Trainees.

Payment via cardreader for credit/debit card, Samsung/Apple Pay, via cash or BACS.

Cancellation Policy: 48 hours’ notice required to cancel an appointment; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed.

Please use the contact form to make an appointment,

or call 07588 658 721.

Are there contraindications for Biofield Tuning ?

Biofield Tuning is contraindicated for: a person wearing a pacemaker, pregnant women, those who are very unwell, for those who have cancer & within the first 3 months after a head concussion.

What happens in a treatment?

During the Biofield Tuning treatment the client lies down (fully clothed) covered with a soft blanket to keep them warm. The client can talk and move during the treatment. The client may feel subtle energies moving in their body. Clients often feel deeply relaxed after the treatment and need to take their time to return to their day.

What is a Biofield?

The Biofield is a field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is composed of electromagnetic frequencies and subtle energy. It extends 5-6 feet from the sides of the body and 2-3 feet above the head and below the feet. It has a toroidal shape, very similar to an apple.

What are 'detox' symptoms and how do I manage them?

After a Biofield Tuning session, the body needs time to process and integrate the energetic changes to the Biofield. During this time, which can last 1-3 days, it is normal to experience 'detox' symptoms e.g: fatigue, waves of emotion, headache or brain fog, flu-like symptoms, vivid dreams, loose stools or dizziness. On rare occasions there may be skin rashes, mucus, fevers, vomiting or excessive thirst.

Post-session care will help the detox symptoms resolve. Post-session care includes: drinking plenty of water, taking a 15min Epsom salt bath or foot bath, spending time outside, walking barefoot on the Earth and taking time to relax.

Please do contact me if you are concerned about any post-treatment reactions, you can call me any time on 07588 658 721.

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